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Friday, January 25, 2013

Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 in 10 Minutes (5th Edition) (Sams Teach Yourself -- Minutes)

December 24, 2010  0672333333  978-0672333330 5


A quick, clear guide to using the exciting new features of HTML5 today

  • Practical, hands-on approach helps web designers or developers begin using HTML5 right away
  • Step-by-step directions show how to implement HTML5 video, drawing, drag and drop, forms, and more
  • Makes sense of all the competing claims and misinformation about what HTML5 is or isn't

You don't need to wait to begin using HTML5, the successor to HTML 4 and XHTML . HTML5 is now being implemented in the latest versions of all the major browsers, and with it come some of the most exciting and powerful advances in web development technology in years. 

Teach Yourself HTML5 in 10 Minutes offers straightforward, practical answers for fast results. By working through the book's clear, step-by-step examples, web designers or developers new to HTML5 can learn everything they need to know to quickly and easily get up to speed with HTML5. 

Programming HTML5 Applications: Building Powerful Cross-Platform Environments in Javascript

November 29, 2011

HTML5 is not just a replacement for plugins. It also makes the Web a first-class development environment by giving JavaScript programmers a solid foundation for building industrial-strength applications. This practical guide takes you beyond simple site creation and shows you how to build self-contained HTML5 applications that can run on mobile devices and compete with desktop apps.
You’ll learn powerful JavaScript tools for exploiting HTML5 elements, and discover new methods for working with data, such as offline storage and multithreaded processing. Complete with code samples, this book is ideal for experienced JavaScript and mobile developers alike.
  • Store session data in the browser with local storage objects
  • Save trips to the server: store larger amounts of data with IndexedDB
  • Give browsers limited access to a user’s system to read and upload files
  • Take your app offline—and speed up page loading when it’s online
  • Use Web Workers to create multithreaded applications
  • Transfer data between browser and server more efficiently with Web Sockets
  • Learn about HTML5 tags for forms, multimedia, graphics, and geolocation
"HTML5 is all the rage these days, but it's more than just a buzzword. Programming HTML5 Applications provides the knowledge to guide you through all the new technologies needed to make modern web applications."

--Ralph Whitbeck, cohost of The Official jQuery Podcast

Professional HTML5 Mobile Game Development

September 19, 2012


Create mobile game apps for the lucrative gaming market
If you're an experienced developer seeking to break into the sizzling mobile game market, this is the book for you. Covering all mobile and touchscreen devices, including iPhones, iPads, Android, and WP7.5, this book takes you through the steps of building both single- and multi-player mobile games. Topics include standard patterns for building games in HTML5, what methods to choose for building (CSS3, SVG, or Canvas), popular game engines and frameworks, and much more. Best of all, code for six basic games is provided, so you can modify, further develop, and make it your own.
  • Shows intermediate developers how to develop games in HTML5 and build games for iPhone, iPad, Android, and WP7.5 mobile and touchscreen devices
  • Explains single-player and multi-player mobile game development
  • Provides code for six basic games in a GitHub repository, so readers can collaborate and develop the code themselves
  • Explores specific APIs to make games even more compelling, including geolocation, audio, and device orientation
  • Reviews three popular open-source HTML5 game engines--crafty.js, easel.js, and enchant.js
  • Covers simple physics as well as using an existing physics library
The world is going mobile, as is the game industry. Professional HTML5 Mobile Game Development helps savvy developers join in this exploding market.

Practical HTML5 Projects

Publication Date: May 23, 2012 | ISBN-10: 1430242752 | ISBN-13: 978-1430242758 | Edition: 1


Practical HTML5 Projects is a collection of valuable web techniques that any developer or designer can use. This book is all about saving time. Busy web developers should not have to plow through pages of theory or history only to discover that no practical applications are provided, nor should they have to read a paragraph five times to extract some meaning from it. All of the techniques within this book are explained using fully worked examples that you can immediately apply to your own projects.

With each technique the book provides:
A practical and useful example (and a screen shot of the end result where applicable).
The markup for a fully worked example.
A downloadable template to adapt for use in your own websites.
With Practical HTML5 Projects, you can dive straight into the book at the required chapter and immediately find answers to your website problems, and find the sample code you can use to get it right. Start creating websites using the practical examples, summaries, and templates.

This book includes topics such as rollover navigation menus without scripts, adding audio and video, rounded corners, drop shadows, adding PayPal services, and much more. It also includes sections on troubleshooting and transitioning to HTML5 and CSS3 to help bring your existing content up to date.
What you’ll learn
Discover new techniques for creating interesting, attractive and accessible websites
Save time spent researching poorly documented techniques
Avoid lengthy trial-and-error testing and hours spent reading single topic manuals
Download templates and quickly adapt them for your own use
Keep pace with the latest developments and recommendations in web design
Accumulate a useful tool kit of resources and templates
Who this book is for
Practical HTML5 Projects acknowledges the fact that designers, teachers, and students would rather produce something than spend hours researching how to produce it. Web developers and designers can dive right into the book, take a template and adapt it. IT teachers can set student projects based on the techniques and templates revealed in the book.

Table of Contents
Moving to HTML5
A Rollover Picture Gallery
Rollover Menus
Moving to CSS3
Adding Audio, Video and Slide Shows
Rounded Corners
Drop Shadows
Create Collages and Galleries
Add PayPal
Secure Feedback Methods
Monitor Mayhem
Appearance and Usefulness
Dump those Deprecated Items
Search Engine Optimization
Printing, Counting, and Redirecting

Learn HTML5 and JavaScript for Android

August 1, 2012  1430243473  978-1430243472 1


Learn HTML5 and JavaScript for Android teaches the essential HTML5 and JavaScript skills you need to make great apps for the Android platform and browser.

This book guides you through the creation of a mobile web app. You'll put the HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript skills you learn into practice, giving you invaluable first-hand experience that will serve you well as you go on to develop your own web apps for Android smartphones and tablets.

Throughout this book, you will learn new skills and bring these altogether to create a web app that runs on the Android platform as well as other mobile platforms.

What you’ll learn

Android 4.0 compliant, this book shows you how to:
  • How to build a HTML5 and JavaScript-based mobile Web app that runs on Android devices and browsers
  • What is HTML5 and how to best use it for your presentation tier in your Web app
  • What is CSS3 and how to best employ it for a richer presentation tier in your Web app
  • What is JavaScript and how to best use for any needed logic in your web app
  • How to make use of some of the HTML API’s such as Canvas, Video and Audio for mobile to create a richer experience for users
  • How to build a Web app, case by case, tier by tier, for your Android devices and for your prospective audience

    Who this book is for

    This book is for Android and web developers needing to learn the mobile web skills needed to build reactive, dynamic and fun HTML5 and JavaScript-based Web Apps that run on Android devices and its browsers.

    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction and Shopping list
    2. Learn Your First Web App for Android
    3. Learn HTML5
    4. Create using HTML5 Workshop (Web app case study part I)
    5. Learn CSS3
    6. Create and Refine using CSS3 (Web app case study part II)
    7. Learn JavaScript
    8. Create using JavaScript (Web app case study part III)
    9. Testing and Deploying Your First Web App

    Learn HTML5 and JavaScript for Android 2012

    Publication Date: October 18, 2011 | Series: Head First

    :: DOWNLOAD ::

    HTML has been on a wild ride. Sure, HTML started as a mere markup language, but more recently HTML’s put on some major muscle. Now we’ve got a language tuned for building web applications with Web storage, 2D drawing, offline support, sockets and threads, and more. And to speak this language you’ve got to go beyond HTML5 markup and into the world of the DOM, events, and JavaScript APIs.

    Now you probably already know all about HTML markup (otherwise known as structure) and you know all aboutCSS style (presentation), but what you’ve been missing is JavaScript (behavior). If all you know about are structure and presentation, you can create some great looking pages, but they’re still just pages. When you add behavior with JavaScript, you can create an interactive experience; even better, you can create full blown web applications.

    Head First HTML5 Programming is your ultimate tour guide to creating web applications with HTML5 and JavaScript, and we give you everything you need to know to build them, including: how to add interactivity to your pages, how to communicate with the world of Web services, and how to use the great new APIs being developed for HTML5.

    Here are just some of the things you’ll learn in Head First HTML5 Programing:

    Learn how to make your pages truly interactive by using the power of the DOM.
    Finally understand how JavaScript works and take yourself from novice to well-informed in just a few chapters.
    Learn how JavaScript APIs fit into the HTML5 ecosystem, and how to use any API in your web pages.
    Use the Geolocation API to know where your users are.
    Bring out your inner artist with Canvas, HTML5’s new 2D drawing surface.
    Go beyond just plugging a video into your pages, and create custom video experiences.
    Learn the secret to grabbing five megabytes of storage in every user’s browser.
    Improve your page’s responsiveness and performance with Web workers.
    And much more.

    HTML5 Cookbook (Cookbooks (O'Reilly))

    November 26, 2011 Cookbooks (O'Reilly)
    :: DOWNLOAD ::

    With scores of practical recipes you can use in your projects right away, this cookbook helps you gain hands-on experience with HTML5’s versatile collection of elements. You get clear solutions for handling issues with everything from markup semantics, web forms, and audio and video elements to related technologies such as geolocation and rich JavaScript APIs.
    Each informative recipe includes sample code and a detailed discussion on why and how the solution works. Perfect for intermediate to advanced web and mobile web developers, this handy book lets you choose the HTML5 features that work for you—and helps you experiment with the rest.
    • Test browsers for HTML5 support, and use techniques for applying unsupported features
    • Discover how HTML5 makes web form implementation much simpler
    • Overcome challenges for implementing native audio and video elements
    • Learn techniques for using HTML5 with ARIA accessibility guidelines
    • Explore examples that cover using geolocation data in your applications
    • Draw images, use transparencies, add gradients and patterns, and more with Canvas
    • Bring HTML5 features to life with a variety of advanced JavaScript APIs

    HTML5 Animation with JavaScript

    November 30, 2011  1430236655  978-1430236658 1

    :: DOWNLOAD ::

    Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript covers everything that you need to know to create dynamic scripted animation using the HTML5 canvas. It provides information on all the relevant math you'll need, before moving on to physics concepts like acceleration, velocity, easing, springs, collision detection, conservation of momentum, 3D, and forward and inverse kinematics. Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript is a fantastic resource for all web developers working in HTML5 or switching over from Flash to create standards-compliant games, applications, and animations that will work across all modern browsers and most mobile devices, including iPhones, iPads, and Android devices.  

    You will learn how to utilize the amazing animation and physics-based code originally created by author Keith Peters in his hugely successful Foundation ActionScript Animation in all of your HTML5 applications. In no time at all, you'll understand the concepts behind scripted animation and also have the ability to create all manner of exciting animations and games.

    What you’ll learn ?
    All the JavaScript and HTML5 code (including math and trigonometry functions) you'll need to start animating with code

    Basic motion principles like velocity, acceleration, friction, easing, and bouncing
    How to handle user interactions via the keyboard, mouse, and touchscreen 
    Advanced motion techniques like springs, coordinate rotation, conservation of momentum, and forward and inverse kinematics

    All the basic 3D concepts you'll need for 3D in HTML5 (without WebGL)—from simple perspective to full 3D solids, complete with backface culling and dynamic lighting

    Who this book is for ?
    This book is a fantastic resource for all web developers working in HTML5 or switching over from Flash to create standards-compliant games, applications, and animations that will work across all modern browsers and most mobile devices, including iPhones, iPads, and Android devices.

    Table of Contents
    Basic Animation Concepts
    Basics of JavaScript for Animation
    HTML5 and Canvas graphics
    Trigonometry for Animation
    Velocity and Acceleration
    Boundaries and Friction
    User Interaction: Moving Objects Around
    Easing and Springing
    Collision Detection
    Coordination Rotation and Bouncing Off Angles
    Billiard Ball Physics
    Particle Attraction and Gravity
    Forward Kinematics: Making Things Walk
    Inverse Kinematics: Dragging and Reaching
    3D Basics
    3D Lines and Fills
    Backface Culling and 3D Lighting
    Matrix Math
    Tips and Tricks

    HTML5 And CSS3 Visual Quick Start Guide 7th Edition

    Publication Date: December 31, 2011 | ISBN-10: 0321719611 | ISBN-13: 978-0321719614 | Edition: 7


    :: DOWNLOAD ::

    Want to learn how to build Web sites fast? This best-selling guide’s visual format and step-by-step, task-based instructions will have you up and running with HTML5 and CSS3 in no time. This Seventh Edition is a major revision, with approximately 125 pages added and substantial updates to (or complete rewrites of) nearly every page from the preceding edition. Authors Elizabeth Castro and Bruce Hyslop use clear instructions, friendly prose, and real-world code samples to teach you HTML and CSS from the ground up. Over the course of 21 chapters you will learn how to:

    Write semantic HTML, both with elements that have been around for years and ones that are new in HTML5.

    Prepare images for the Web and add them to your pages.

    Use CSS to style text, add background colors and images, and implement a multicolumn layout.

    Build a single site for all users—whether they are using a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, desktop computer, or other Web-enabled device—based on many of the components of responsive Web design, including CSS3 media queries.

    Leverage new selectors in CSS3, add Web fonts to your pages with @font-face, and use CSS3 effects such as opacity, background alpha transparency, gradients, rounded corners, drop shadows, shadows inside elements, text shadows, and multiple background images.

    Improve your site’s accessibility with ARIA landmark roles and other good coding practices.
    Build forms to solicit input from your visitors.

    Include media in your pages with the HTML5 audio and video elements.
    Test and debug your Web pages.

    Secure a domain name and publish your site.

    And much more! All book code samples and more are available on the companion web site.

    Sunday, January 20, 2013

    Wednesday, January 16, 2013

    Violent Python A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers

    Violent Python shows you how to move from a theoretical understanding of offensive computing concepts to a practical implementation. Instead of relying on another attacker's tools, this book will teach you to forge your own weapons using the Python programming language. This book demonstrates how to write Python scripts to automate large-scale network attacks, extract metadata, and investigate forensic artifacts. It also shows how to write code to intercept and analyze network traffic using Python, craft and spoof wireless frames to attack wireless and Bluetooth devices, and how to data-mine popular social media websites and evade modern anti-virus.


    November 2, 2006  0849370574  978-0849370571

    Examining computer security from the hacker's perspective, Practical Hacking Techniques and Countermeasures employs virtual computers to illustrate how an attack is executed, including the script, compilation, and results. It provides detailed screen shots in each lab for the reader to follow along in a step-by-step process in order to duplicate and understand how the attack works. It enables experimenting with hacking techniques without fear of corrupting computers or violating any laws.

    Written in a lab manual style, the book begins with the installation of the VMware® Workstation product and guides the users through detailed hacking labs enabling them to experience what a hacker actually does during an attack. It covers social engineering techniques, footprinting techniques, and scanning tools. Later chapters examine spoofing techniques, sniffing techniques, password cracking, and attack tools. Identifying wireless attacks, the book also explores Trojans, Man-in-the-Middle (MTM) attacks, and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.

    Learn how to secure your computers with this comprehensive guide on hacking techniques and countermeasures 

    By understanding how an attack occurs the reader can better understand how to defend against it. This book shows how an attack is conceptualized, formulated, and performed. It offers valuable information for constructing a system to defend against attacks and provides a better understanding of securing your own computer or corporate network.


    Preparation ............................................................................................1
    Installing VMware Workstation............................................................................ 3
    Configuring Virtual Machines............................................................................ 10
    Installing a Virtual Windows 2000 Workstation ....................................... 11
    Installing VMware Tools for Windows 2000 Virtual Machines................. 29
    Installing a Red Hat Version 8 Virtual Machine ....................................... 35
    Installing VMware Tools for Red Hat Virtual Machines............................ 55
    What Is on the CD?........................................................................................... 60
    Restrict Anonymous........................................................................................... 60
    To Restrict Anonymous ............................................................................ 60
    In Windows NT ............................................................................... 60
    For Windows XP, 2003..................................................................... 60
    For Windows 2000 .......................................................................... 61
    What Is the Difference? ........................................................................... 61
    Banner Identification..........................................................................63
    Lab 1: Banner Identification .............................................................................. 65
    Lab 2: Banner Identification .............................................................................. 67
    Lab 3: Banner Identification .............................................................................. 73
    Lab 4: Operating System Identification............................................................. 75
    Detect Operating System of Target: Xprobe2
    Lab 5: Banner Identification .............................................................................. 79
    Lab 6: Banner Identification .............................................................................. 84
    Lab 7: Personal Social Engineering ................................................................... 86
    Social Engineering Techniques: Dumpster Diving/Personnel

    Target Enumeration ............................................................................87
    Lab 8: Establish a NULL Session........................................................................ 89
    Establish a NULL Session: NULL Session
    Lab 9: Enumerate Target MAC Address.............................................................. 90
    Enumerate MAC Address and Total NICs: GETMAC
    Lab 10: Enumerate SID from User ID ............................................................... 91
    Enumerate the SID from the Username: USER2SID
    Lab 11: Enumerate User ID from SID ............................................................... 93
    Enumerate the Username from the Known SID: SID2USER
    Lab 12: Enumerate User Information ................................................................ 96
    Enumerate User Information from Target: USERDUMP
    Lab 13: Enumerate User Information ................................................................ 97
    Exploit Data from Target Computer: USERINFO
    Lab 14: Enumerate User Information ................................................................ 98
    Exploit User Information from Target: DUMPSEC
    Lab 15: Host/Domain Enumeration................................................................. 102
    Enumerate Hosts and Domains of LAN: Net Commands
    Lab 16: Target Connectivity/Route .................................................................. 105
    Detect Target Connectivity: PingG
    Lab 17: Target Connectivity/Route .................................................................. 107
    Connectivity/Routing Test: Pathping
    Lab 18: Operating System Identification......................................................... 109
    Identify Target Operating System: Nmap/nmapFE
    Lab 19: Operating System Identification......................................................... 117
    Identify Target Operating System: NmapNT
    Lab 20: IP/Hostname Enumeration ................................................................. 123
    Enumerate IP or Hostname: Nslookup
    Lab 21: IP/Hostname Enumeration ................................................................. 124
    Enumerate IP or Hostname: Nmblookup
    Lab 22: RPC Reporting .................................................................................... 125
    Report the RPC of Target: Rpcinfo
    Lab 23: Location/Registrant Identification ...................................................... 126
    Gather Registration Info/Trace Visual Route: Visual Route
    Lab 24: Registrant Identification ..................................................................... 128
    Gather IP or Hostname: Sam Spade
    Lab 25: Operating System Identification......................................................... 131
    Gather OS Runtime and Registered IPs: Netcraft
    Lab 26: Operating System Identification......................................................... 133
    Scan Open Ports of Target: Sprint
    Lab 27: Default Shares ..................................................................................... 135
    Disable Default Shares: Windows Operating System
    Lab 28: Host Enumeration............................................................................... 139
    Scan Open Ports of Target: WinFingerprint
    Lab 29: Target Scan/Share Enumeration .......................................................... 147
    Scan Open Ports of Target: Angry IP

    Lab 30: Target Scan/Penetration ...................................................................... 151
    Scan Open Ports/Penetration Testing: LANguard
    Lab 31: Target Scan through Firewall .............................................................. 153
    Scan Open Ports of Target: Fscan
    Lab 32: Passive Network Discovery ................................................................ 154
    Passively Identify Target Information on the LAN: Passifist
    Lab 33: Network Discovery............................................................................. 158
    Identify Target Information: LanSpy
    Lab 34: Open Ports/Services ........................................................................... 161
    Scan Open Ports/Services of Target: Netcat
    Lab 35: Port Scan/Service Identification ......................................................... 163
    Scan Open Ports of Target: SuperScan
    Lab 36: Port Scanner ....................................................................................... 166
    Identify Ports Open: Strobe
    Lab 37: Anonymous FTP Locator..................................................................... 169
    Locate Anonymous FTP Servers: FTPScanner
    Lab 38: CGI Vulnerability Scanner................................................................... 171
    Identify CGI Vulnerabilities: TCS CGI Scanner
    Lab 39: Shared Resources Locator .................................................................. 178
    Identify Open Shared Resources: Hydra
    Lab 40: Locate Wingate Proxy Servers ............................................................ 187
    Locate Wingate Proxy Servers: WGateScan/ADM Gates
    Sniffing Traffic ..................................................................................193
    Lab 41: Packet Capture — Sniffer ................................................................... 195
    Exploit Data from Network Traffic: Ethereal
    To Install Ethereal on a Red Hat Linux Computer....................... 196
    To Install Ethereal on Microsoft Windows.................................... 206
    Lab 42: Packet Capture — Sniffer ................................................................... 213
    Exploit Data from Network Traffic: Ngrep
    For Linux ....................................................................................... 213
    For Windows ................................................................................. 219
    Lab 43: Packet Capture — Sniffer ................................................................... 223
    Exploit Data from Network Traffic
    Lab 44: Packet Capture — Sniffer ................................................................... 230
    Exploit Data from Network Traffic: WinDump
    Lab 45: Packet Capture — Sniffer ................................................................... 234
    Monitor IP Network Traffic Flow: IPDump2
    For Linux ....................................................................................... 234
    For Windows ................................................................................ 237
    Lab 46: Password Capture — Sniffer .............................................................. 240
    Exploit Passwords and Sniff the Network: ZxSniffer
    Lab 47: Exploit Data from Target Computer — Sniffit ................................... 249
    Spoofing .............................................................................................261
    Lab 48: Spoofing IP Addresses......................................................................... 263
    Send Packets via False IP Address: RafaleX
    Lab 49: Spoofing MAC Addresses .................................................................... 268
    Send Packets via a False MAC Address: SMAC

    Lab 50: Spoofing MAC Addresses .................................................................... 277
    Send Packets via a False MAC Address: Linux
    Lab 51: Packet Injection/Capture/Trace.......................................................... 284
    Send Packets via a False IP/MAC Address: Packit
    Lab 52: Spoof MAC Address ............................................................................ 295
    Altering the MAC Address: VMware Workstation
    Brute Force ........................................................................................299
    Lab 53: Brute-Force FTP Server....................................................................... 301
    Crack an FTP Password: NETWOX/NETWAG
    Lab 54: Retrieve Password Hashes .................................................................. 309
    Extract Password Hashes: FGDump
    Lab 55: Crack Password Hashes ...................................................................... 313
    Crack and Capture Password Hashes: LC5
    Lab 56: Overwrite Administrator Password..................................................... 325
    Change the Administrator Password: CHNTPW
    Lab 57: Brute-Force Passwords........................................................................ 337
    Brute-Force Passwords for a Hashed File: John the Ripper
    Lab 58: Brute-Force FTP Password.................................................................. 346
    Brute-Force an FTP Password Connection: BruteFTP
    Lab 59: Brute-Force Terminal Server ............................................................... 354
    Brute-Force Terminal Server Passwords: TSGrinder II
    Vulnerability Scanning .....................................................................357
    Lab 60: Vulnerability Scanner .......................................................................... 359
    Perform Vulnerability Assessment: SAINT
    Lab 61: SNMP Walk.......................................................................................... 379
    Exploit Data via SNMP Walk: NETWOX/NETWAG
    Lab 62: Brute-Force Community Strings ......................................................... 386
    Exploit the SNMP Community Strings: Solar Winds
    Lab 63: Target Assessment ............................................................................... 392
    Assessment of Target Security: Retina
    Lab 64: Target Assessment ............................................................................... 397
    Assessment of Target Security: X-Scan
    Lab 65: Vulnerability Scanner .......................................................................... 402
    Perform Vulnerability Assessment: SARA
    Lab 66: Web Server Target Assessment ............................................................ 414
    Assessment of Web Server Security: N-Stealth
    Lab 67: Vulnerability Scanner .......................................................................... 421
    Exploit Data from Target Computer: Pluto
    Lab 68: Vulnerability Assessment..................................................................... 429
    Perform Vulnerability Assessment: Metasploit
    On Windows.................................................................................. 429
    On Linux ....................................................................................... 441
    Lab 69: Web Server Target Assessment ............................................................ 451
    Assessment of Web Server Security: Nikto
    Lab 70: Vulnerability Scanner .......................................................................... 455
    Assessment of Target Security: Shadow Scanner

    Lab 71: Internet Vulnerability Scanner ............................................................ 468
    Assessment of Target Security: Cerberus
    Lab 72: WHAX — Auto Exploit Reverse Shell ................................................ 474
    Automatically Exploit the Target: AutoScan
    Lab 73: Unique Fake Lock Screen XP ............................................................. 491
    Grab the Administrator Password: Fake Lock Screen XP
    Lab 74: Bypassing Microsoft Serial Numbers.................................................. 499
    Bypassing Serial Number Protection: RockXP/Custom Script
    Lab 75: Vulnerability Exploit ........................................................................... 507
    Assessment of Target Security: Web Hack Control Center
    Wireless ..............................................................................................511
    Lab 76: Locate Unsecured Wireless................................................................. 513
    Locate Unsecured Wireless: NetStumbler/Mini-Stumbler
    Lab 77: Trojan .................................................................................................. 519
    Unauthorized Access and Control: Back Orifice
    On the Target Computer ............................................................... 519
    On the Attacker’s Computer ......................................................... 528
    Lab 78: Trojan .................................................................................................. 534
    Unauthorized Access and Control: NetBus
    On the Target (Server)................................................................... 534
    On the Attacker’s Computer ......................................................... 540
    Lab 79: ICMP Tunnel Backdoor....................................................................... 545
    Bidirectional Spoofed ICMP Tunnel: Sneaky-Sneaky
    On the Target (Server)................................................................... 545
    On the Attacker’s Machine............................................................ 548
    Lab 80: Hiding Tools on the Target.................................................................. 553
    Hiding Files on the Target: CP
    Scenario: Hiding Netcat inside the Calculator Application .......... 553
    To Verify ........................................................................................ 555
    Lab 81: Capturing Switched Network Traffic.................................................. 556
    Intercept/Exploit Traffic: Ettercap
    Lab 82: Password Capture ............................................................................... 573
    Capture Passwords Traversing the Network: Dsniff
    Lab 83: Data Manipulation .............................................................................. 574
    Manipulate the Live Data Stream: Achilles
    Lab 84: Covert Reverse Telnet Session............................................................ 588
    Create a Reverse Telnet Session: Netcat
    Lab 85: Covert Channel — Reverse Shell ....................................................... 596
    Exploit Data from Target Computer: Reverse Shell
    10 Redirection.........................................................................................603
    Lab 86: PortMapper ......................................................................................... 605
    Traffic Redirection: PortMapper
    Lab 87: Executing Applications — Elitewrap.................................................. 618
    Executing Hidden Applications: Elitewrap
    Lab 88: TCP Relay — Bypass Firewalls............................................................ 627
    Traffic Redirection: Fpipe

    Lab 89: Remote Execution .............................................................................. 633
    Remote Execution on Target: PsExec
    Lab 90: TCP Relay — Bypass Firewalls............................................................ 638
    Traffic Redirection: NETWOX/NETWAG
    11 Denial-of-Service (DoS).....................................................................643
    Lab 91: Denial-of-Service — Land Attack ........................................................ 645
    DoS Land Attack: Land Attack
    Lab 92: Denial-of-Service — Smurf Attack ...................................................... 650
    DoS Smurf Attack: Smurf Attack
    Lab 93: Denial-of-Service — SYN Attack ......................................................... 655
    DoS Land Attack: SYN Attack
    Lab 94: Denial-of-Service — UDP Flood ......................................................... 660
    DoS UDP Flood Attack: UDP Flood Attack
    Lab 95: Denial-of-Service — Trash2.c .............................................................. 665
    Create Denial-of-Service Traffic: Trash2.c
    Appendix A: References ...........................................................................671
    Appendix B: Tool Syntax..........................................................................675

    DOWNLOAD :: LINKs : PART-1 :: PART-2 :: PART-3

    Raspberry Pi User Guide by Gareth Halfacree and Eben Upton

    Download link is below
    September 14, 2012  111846446X  978-1118464465 1

    ::  DOWNLOAD ::

    Make the most out of the world’s first truly compact computer
    It's the size of a credit card, it can be charged like a smartphone, it runs on open-source Linux, and it holds the promise of bringing programming and playing to millions at low cost. And now you can learn how to use this amazing computer from its co-creator, Eben Upton, in Raspberry Pi User Guide. Cowritten with Gareth Halfacree, this guide gets you up and running on Raspberry Pi, whether you're an educator, hacker, hobbyist, or kid. Learn how to connect your Pi to other hardware, install software, write basic programs, and set it up to run robots, multimedia centers, and more.
    • Gets you up and running on Raspberry Pi, a high-tech computer the size of a credit card
    • Helps educators teach students how to program
    • Covers connecting Raspberry Pi to other hardware, such as monitors and keyboards, how to install software, and how to configure Raspberry Pi
    • Shows you how to set up Raspberry Pi as a simple productivity computer, write basic programs in Python, connect to servos and sensors, and drive a robot or multimedia center
    Adults, kids, and devoted hardware hackers, now that you've got a Raspberry Pi, get the very most out of it with Raspberry Pi User Guide.


    Meet the Raspberry Pi . . . . . . . . . . .
    1.1 Get to Know the Hardware 
    1.2 What Else You Need 
    1.3 Next Steps 
    2. Install an Operating System . . . . . . . . . 
    2.1 See What’s Available 11
    2.2 Prepare a Bootable SD Card 14
    2.3 Next Steps 19
    3. Configure Raspbian . . . . . . . . . . . 21
    3.1 Boot the Pi for the First Time 21
    3.2 Customize Your Installation with Raspi-config 23
    3.3 Start the Desktop 27
    3.4 Manage Your Software with apt-get 29
    3.5 Next Steps 34
    4. Configure the Firmware . . . . . . . . . . 35
    4.1 Update the Firmware/Kernel 35
    4.2 Adjust the Memory Layout to Your Needs 37
    4.3 Configure the Video Output 38
    4.4 Test and Configure the Audio System 40
    4.5 Next Steps 42
    5. Intermezzo: Build a Kiosk with the Pi . . . . . . 43
    5.1 Display Twitter Live Search Information 43
    5.2 Refresh Websites Automatically 46
    5.3 Next Steps
    6. Networking with the Pi . . . . . . . . . . 49
    6.1 Perform Everyday Tasks on the Web 49
    6.2 Use Secure Shell with the Pi 51
    6.3 Share Desktops with the Pi 55
    6.4 Turn the Pi into a Web Server 59
    6.5 Add WiFi to the Pi 63
    6.6 Next Steps 67
    7. Turn the Pi into a Multimedia Center . . . . . . 69
    7.1 Install Raspbmc 69
    7.2 Start Raspbmc for the First Time 72
    7.3 Add Files to XBMC 73
    7.4 Control XBMC Remotely 75
    7.5 Next Steps 77
    8. Play Games on Your Pi . . . . . . . . . . 79
    8.1 Play Interactive Fiction 79
    8.2 Play Point-and-Click Adventures 81
    8.3 Emulate Other Platforms 83
    8.4 Play Native Games 86
    8.5 Next Steps 86
    9. Tinker with the GPIO Pins . . . . . . . . . 87
    9.1 What You Need 87
    9.2 Meet the Pi’s GPIO Pins 89
    9.3 Build a Basic Circuit 90
    9.4 Control an LED Using the GPIO Pins 92
    9.5 Build an “Out of Memory” Alarm 93
    9.6 Display the GPIO Status in a Browser 97
    9.7 What If It Doesn’t Work? 98
    9.8 Next Steps 99
    A1. A Linux Primer . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
    A1.1 A First Encounter 102
    A1.2 Navigate Through the File System 104
    A1.3 Edit Text Files 105
    A1.4 Manage Users 106
    A1.5 Manage Processes 110
    A1.6 Shut Down and Reboot the Pi 112
    A1.7 Getting Help

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